![]() lovestroke |
yours truly
XinYing15 2810 Cedargirls' |
The following item you are about to watch is indestructable and can harm people.If you ever feel any vomiting, diarhoea or heatstroke, please contact your doctor immediately. shout
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Age is wisdom.1. Darling jack woke up. 2. Darling jack starts to walk around. 3. Darling jack starts vomiting. 4. Darling jack's owner which is me, quickly rush to get newspaper to clean his vomit. 5. Darling jack finish vomiting and went back to sleep. Hahaha that's jack. All right anyway, happy training today. At least i got to play setter at the end.... ![]() ""
Pocky.Anyone wants to eat lasagne with me? Anyone wants to watch planet 51 with me? ANYONE?! Shit... my dog thinks i am stupid. Tsk. ![]() ""
You arent wrong.Hey Hey. Holiday's ending in 2 weeks. So sad. In 2 weeks time, i will be sec 4............... "there is goodness in every man." ![]() ""
The sword of Damocles. If you ever feel bored during a bus ride, Try this: Joan, Lis, Cenyun and i were on bus. And Cenyun and i was very very very very very very bored. So... a few people boarded a bus. We were sitting at the seats by the door. Cy: WELCOME MY FRIENDS! (from carlsberg ad.) Me: *Stood up to welcome them. ( but later i realised it was too malu and i started adjusting the air con.) "hey, a bit hot right??" Then there's this boy or girl (forgot) who heard us, but pretended not to hear and walked straight to the back of the bus. HAHAHAHAHAH. I laughed until stomach pain. When we were about to alight, me and cenyun wanted to go to the bus driver and say "Thank you uncle." HAHAHA. But joan stopped us :( Okay anyway. I got a severe back ache now that i feel like dying. ![]() Totally blinded by the flash. ""
Have a little faith.I need motivation. Its not because you did it so well, it's because when you do something you are suppose to do your best. It's more of responsibility than liking it. I am losing inerest in it. Totally dead. There's nothing to look forward to. Left with 3 weeks of holiday. ![]() |