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XinYing15 2810 Cedargirls' |
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It's different.Thanks for all your gifts and wishes :) Shujing gave me this monkey keychain and i got so touch and cried:( Really appreciate all the wishes like when i wake up early in the morning and there's 15 messages in my phone and all of them says "happy birthday:)". So nice. I like cenyun's cup. She knows my favourtie color. I like shujing's keychain, so cute and it reminds me of noorul's "lilo" (which is stitch but she calls it lilo). ORGASM. I like the book "have a lilttle faifth" from mama(joan), celestine and sherilyn. So sweet, they can read my mind:) seriously really thank you people! ""
Put on a mask, and then smile.Exams over. So glad:) My brother reads my blog.... Hi. I have got so many things to say, from express yourself day till exams. OMG, i dont think i can finish. Express yourself day My class had this "rocker" theme. So yah. And 2S'08 performed. Sang the global warming song. Disection This was the first time i felt bio was amusing. We disect a sheep's heart. OMG it was so cool. But it stinks. I took so many pictures of it okay!!!! shall post it next time. Sports day I thought this year's sports day was fun. This was the first time i participated in sports day after 3 years. :) okay anyway, i shall tell you my story for the CCA run. So obviously me, lenis, sherilyn and ashley represented volleyball. And before that race i had cheerleading and 4x100 so can you imagine i was dead by then and i had to ran the 400m part for the CCA run. So i was the last runner and at about 200m later, i was so freaking tired and almost wanted to start jogging, and i heard the amazing thing from sherilyn..... " Xinying run faster then later i treat you long john!!!!". So that motivated me to run like a MAD COW. And so we came in 3rd.... lalalala. Cheerleading Arent you proud of me. Our cheerleading came in first! At least that's what i feel. Come on people, differentiate within hip hop and cheerleading. Isnt it cheerleading???? But why is it that those who did hiphop scored better than those who did cheerleading. And please like for goodness sake, would the judges not appreciate the sec 4s joining cheerleading???? At least they made the effort right? So? Is it because the sec 4s joined so we have to be disqualified straight away??? What's more? This only allowed those sec 4 classes who are good in studies to participate in sports day, what nonsense? So rose won almost everything because every event only have 5-6 and most are from rose?????? And that's like definitely rose will win? Then whats the point of sports day? Wasnt it meant for people to compete fairly? On equal grounds? The horrifying speech If you were ever ask to make a speech, you better follow the script. I had so make this "wonderful" speech to this year's DSA pupils. So proud of me right? Please la, you are so freaking wrong. Reason why i never want to make a speech again: If there is another speaker and is some famous or fantastic character like Clara Poon, back out immediately. Before i made the speech, she went first. And obviously everyone knows her cos she's been on tv and her english is good and her sprints are excellent and everything. And after she ended, that tiny winy character like me, who has been hiding is a corner of the universe for the past 14 years suddenly appear. That stupid me, trying to act smart decided so not follow the script ( partly because almost everything was edited by a teacher and this speech could not even reflect who i am anymore). So here comes the world's most humorous speech ever. ..... "since lessons are boring, the teachers gave us hands-on activities such as lab experiments (?????? lab experiment is hands-on activity.... wow.) " ....." the teachers really made lessons interesting, however, they are still boring (????? Huh?)" ....." Look at cedar, we have got the nicest uniform ever! It was oncce published in the newspaper! ( and everyone just laugh at me?)" Ris low HAHAHAHA! i seriously cannot stop laughing at her. " BOOMZ", "sponsorers" and "spurge (splurge)". hahaha, that's really funny. And she tried to accuse Claire Lee of faking her injury and hand over a recording of the conversation between her and Claire lee. But the record doesnt even leak a single drop of info about claire lee faking her injuries??? Moreover she promises 2 years later she will be back on stage. Exams Speechless. After the last paper, went to kallang leisure park just to eat kfc. And then home. TV and everything I am back to Goong. OMG... Lu is sooooooooo cool! :) Anyway Lan2 Qiu2 Huo3 is gonna be shown on tv soon. Oh and i watch Dance Subaru online that day. What a touching movie. And And there's 36 things on my to-do-list after exams. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH enjoying...... |