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XinYing15 2810 Cedargirls' |
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I dream.Midyears sort of over :) So that's why i am here. I just finished watching The Sniper on youtube. You know how cool it is????? I aspire to be a police :D Anyway lets talk about papers. Chinese is a bound-die subject cos' i got everything, listen people, everything, wrong for the cloze passage and the compo was the stupidest i have ever wrote. Chem was a sure-to-die thing. So english, my essay was a total shit. The topic was "write about an occasion which you lost control of your emotions". I wrote that i failed my results, and then i cried, and i suddenly became angry, and then i started laughing happily and then sad again and finally i fainted. What kind of story if this? I think even kids in primary one dont write stories like that? Physics was a okay-but-a-lot-of-confusion paper. So that's my first half of the mid years. And today after mid years, i had training. Cenyun "fly" already :( And after training i took circle line home :D Okay maybe i am a little "kiasu" but it's really cooool to max. The serangoon interchange was suppper bigggggg. Then i reached bishan and home i went. Tonight, i have planned to finish neh teh you hou.But it's a little impossible cos' i still have half of it to go. Can you actually believe it, i got bio remedial tomorrow. That's so.... weird. Okay back to topic, i am digressing too mucccch. Ahhmmm, Edison Chen is soooooo cool at the last part of the show ( TOH SHUJING get this clear, i dont like him okay! i like his shows.). He took the gun and shot at that other guy at such a speed. But overall another guy called Ren Xian Qi was rather cool also. This show is ultimate fantastic. ![]() ""
Take a break. Firstly, if you dont know, it's 4 days from midyears. And there's this shiver going on cos' everything that i studied seems to disappear when i wake up the next day. Secondly, i stayed up till 2, skip lunch and breakfast just to study. And if i still dont get a good grade for chem or physics, forget it, just jump down a building and that's it. Thirdly, i AM FREAKING SCARED. Even if i studied that much, i dont feel secured, for my language especially. Forth, i have 3 chinese revision papers. If i still flunk my chinese after doing them, what's the problem man? Fifth, I am so jealous-down-to-core about people from other schools cos they get to enjoy life right now, but i am mugging, MUGGING, MUGGING!! sixth, I FORGOT EVERYTHING ABOUT THE MOLE. Can you believe it, it's a hot topic tested, but i forgot everything about it. Dead chicken. Seventh, i am going to pull my hair if i continue listing the things down. Eighth, but i continued. x-country is the worse thing ever ever! I ran like a tortoise. Ninth, i dont want to blog anymore. Tenth, so good bye. ![]() At the very least, there's something that keeps me driving. ""
Let it be the last and only.Friday training was fine. Fine as in normal... But let me tell you, i hate it when i am playing and the person watching the game looks gloomy. I hate it to the core. And if you are reading, that's you. Midyears 2 weeks from now. Can you feel the fear. whew, i cannot believe what i will do on that actual day, maybe pull my hair until all of it fall off. Cross country is this thursday. My stamina drop, terribly, AND THE WORSE THING IS MY MUMMY DONT WANT RUN WITH ME THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! omg can you believe it??? I think halfway through when i am totally dead i will be like "mama, where are you??? I want mummy!" Crosscountry will be damn shit without my mummy :( Oh damn, i think i wont want to study this weekend. I must enjoy the week before exams... :) ![]() ""
Fight for your own rights.Sakae sushi today. My table of 6 ate 66 plates :o Bunch of fat people. Once again, i am reading the book i read in sec one. Lang2 de4 you4 huo4. Bet i am going to tear and tear. But overall, sakae sushi was fun:) Guting owes me 2 icecream! Thanks for being late, be late more often:) hahaha, and the thing about the Ebiko sushi was damn funny:) Okay, that's what i am eating*o* ""
Think twice.If everyone in this world think twice before acting, this world would have a better place:) But sadly, no. Everyone only consider themselves, think about things that beneift them and disregard how others feel. I read this in a book and it's so true. dont you agree? Long weekend and i was planning to finish physics which is really impossible??? And yup, it is impossible to i didnt finish it. And there's this team outing to sakae sushi tomorrow which the dress code is 100% bothering me. *Must wear jerseys. no fbts... Man, then what should i wear for bottom? School skirt? Fiddling with the tv remote control this morning and watch this children program. And i was wondering how come childrens (age between 8 to 10) are able to be satisfied by the very little things. ![]() ""
WHO left their heart behind?
Swallow or spit mucus? I was reading my bio textbook and came across the picture of the pharynx. And i notice if mucus get stuck at the throat what should you do? 1) spit it out! 2) just swallow it.... And most people chose to swallow it, because they think it's so troublesome to spit it out when you need a tissue paper or rather you get fine for spitting. Anyway, i encounter a terrifying thing on friday! I was going to my grandma house at tiong barhu and then i saw MICHAEL CHIA at the coffee shop! I am very certain okay! No doubts! You know how freaked out i was???? It was like a cat-mouse adventure. Hah! anyway i escaped:) Okay, and then it was today. I had tuition as usual and you can say that at least it wasnt so boring today. Even my tutition centre had a temperature check for swine flu. (what's the fuss?). Okay, and so this guy use a super high tech thermometer and it was some sort of laser's one that i thought he was to extract my hair in the first place (cos i didnt know it was a temperature check). Okay, malu.... After that he took my temperature, and he said if it was above 37.5, i cannot enter my tution centre( and i thought, those people who cant get through msut be really tragic). Uh huh, my temperature turn out to be around 37.4 i think. So... he hesitated... BUT I STILL GOT THROUGH! Soon after............. During the midst of the class, my teacher, a middle aged women wipe her nose with a tissue paper and then stuff it into her bra and my table (in fact all tables) went eeeeeeeeewwwwww! I mean like what did she did that for??? Recycling tissue paper is it? It's not so expensive right? But actually it's quite hilarious. HAHA. |