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yours truly
XinYing15 2810 Cedargirls' |
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Always there. Always...This is a very boring week. Very very boring week. Times passes really fast, 4 months disappeared in a blink. Life is damn hectic, stupid leadership thing, stupid zuo wen, difficult physics paper, time consuming maths paper, chem pop quiz, comprenhension test soon, super un-understandable chemistry and physics. What's this? OMG! Can you believe 3H declared their warmth love for MDM RACHEL TAN during assembly????!!!!!! My face was totally screwed when i heard that man... Like totally went out of shape????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! Luckily she didnt hear... Phew. Or else i think she will go "3H, i know you girls love me a lot huh... but you all dont have to be so straightforward luh, i will go shy...". OMG, eeeyer goosebumps... ![]() ""
How nice it was.I like the starting part of this song, so wonderful. :D Alright, something amazing happened in class today. During mother tongue, i tell you, the world's most fascinating thing finally happened on noorul:) A lizard went into her plastic bag and when she picked it up, it fell on the ground and Noorul went hysterical. So wonderful right? HHAHAHAHA I am so sadist:) I need to study now, tests are coming, aint it, ex-table partner??? Good luck for your napfa:) 05. Mo Mo - ""
Happy birthday LEEJUNKI!Today's lee jun ki's birthday! hohohohoh! Let's start with something worth smiling first:) 1) The back row has a new cheer once again! And it's called traffic light. 2) I love the friday's training, it's so much funner then other days. 3) Happy birthday JunKi! 4) I played setter today. Sorry la, a bit the bad at it, but at least i tried okay. I was the setter for the last match, that's why... we lost :( 5) Classes are more fun than usual this week, with noorul's new chinese name:) Let's go on next, with the groomy face. 1) I just cannot cannot understand why MDM RACHEL TAN dont want to let me step down from monitress you know! It's so irritating! 2) Chem test is coming soon.... 3) I dont understand chem and physics. 4) I am so tired i want to sleep. 5) Back to the monitress thing okay! I set bad example for this class (that's why they claimed they inherited the madness from me). And then i cannot handle the class! So why make me the monitress????!!!!!!!! Me: Eh! I didnt know the shift function can change the fraction form! Shujing: OMG you mean you didnt know??????!!!!! Me: Yeah.. i didnt :( Die already la, i am a electronic idiot. Shujing: HAHAHAHAH! Hahahaha, i want to die laughing during chem lesson but i better not post anything about chem here cos' later Michael Chia track me down. Oh, and someone spelled michael chia as micheal chia. HOHO so funny. And MRT says our 3H triple science class made history to be the most crazy and bubbly and raw triple science class ever. Thanks to the back row. Oh my, what a long post, but anyway i made a promise to dedicate something to my exexexexex-table partner! Aint i nice???? Here it goes.... You always claims to be the PPPPPerfect table partner, but actually sort of... Oh and being fat is pleasant and cute and nice and wow, much better than being a skinny bamboo. Ahyo, dont know how to appreciate fatness! TSkTSK! Oh and i am not emo. Hahahah and you always got bullied by me to the max, so fun!(sadist la) Lastly HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE JUN KI!!!!!! ![]() ""
Snowing petals.A minute ago i was feeling rather frustrated. A day ago i was feeling rather pissed. A week ago i was feeling rather disappointed. Classes are as usual, which means as boring cos' they cant get any better, especially with a TA with is a pair work. Napfa is like that, every year, it's the same, so nothing special, just that i am having very very bad muscle ache now :( homework are floodin the entire xinying's life like the 2004 sri lanka tsunami. And we just received the worst thing on earth, mid-year exam schedule. You know how much people hates exam? But they still have to take it, so contradicting! I really dont have anything that makes me feel happy... like nothing special. Oooh, noorul's sick for some time, not really some time but still, some time... GET WELL SOON! See, so nice of your mother! Reading "For one more day"... So touching. ![]() ""
Normally, the people closest to you, are the ones, who disappoint you the most.Muscle ache, terrible ones. Been watching action films recently... And i want to x1000000 catch this film called The Sniper cos' edison chen look cool as a cop in it. And Ren Xian Qi too :) I think police films are always the best.. they look so cool with their guns or rifles or whatever you call it. I WANT TO WATCH! ![]() ""
Happy Belated Aprils' fool!April fool is so fun!!!! Although i got trick, but you know, it's cool. I used Tang Yantian's method to trick priyanka and it works! Me: hey, priyanka come. P: What? *starts drinking water Me: Hey, shit la, i think i am a les. P: Huh????!!!! *as if wanting to spit water out Me: I think i like shu jing. P: What????!!!! Me: HAPPY APRILS FOOL! Shujing & noorul: Hey! Vivian fell down and is in the sick bay now!!! Faster go and see her! *So i ran there... peered inside, no one and the person in the general office was like staring at me.... ME: SHUJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Argh.... have to do my homework... i owe a lot :( ![]() |