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XinYing15 2810 Cedargirls' |
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Bears note up! Hoho, ever heard of bear cat? Hhahahaha, i did, in fact everyone did. Bear cat, isnt it just panda? It lookes like a bear and a cat. But have you ever heard of bear dog? Recently a bear dog moved into my neighbourhood. Nah, actually it's just chow chow, but it's sooo adorable and it really looks like bear dog. Look! ![]() see, the bear dog i am talking about :) But actually it's just chow chow. ![]() It's chow chow! but it looks like lion, Roar! ![]() Hehehe, it's panda! No, it's actually chow chow once again :D ""
Once i have had the best and perfections.Alright mans, human unite! Did you turn off your lights at 8.30? News: 1. We lost to nanyang and ngee ann, so we got out. Some cried sadness, some cried wasted, some cried guilty, some cried unknowingly, some, hid in a corner to weep. Many cried wasted, even people from other schools, even people who doesnt play volleyball, even some spectators, even.. parents. 2. First week of shool, sucks. Mid year's arriving, not so soon but soon too. 3. Today, i had the boriest lesson for tuition. 4. Last match on tuesday. want to watch? 5. The back row in class got the latest cheer, fire engine hose. Cause in your eyes I'dlike to stay.. Thinking Of You - Katy Perry ""
Perfection."Perfect Cut" had its last episode shown yesterday night. I have lots of wonderful comments about it, so much i can flood the whole of singapore. Well, i didnt really start watching it from the very first episode, i just watch the last 4 episodes thats all. But that few ones were the really fantastic ones :) But, it still cant fight with my iljimae :DDDDDD I wrote a bao4 zhang1 bao4 dao3 on molestation. Teens are getting harassed... like seriously. It's so true. Ho well, at the same time, i am also reading a book, that describes a girl losing her control over sex and her friend blowing up a poodle. I think that's very very interesting. Rah... there's wo3 cai1 again tonight and after that i am gonna watch kim sam soon at 1 am :D I bet my bro misses wo cai to the max :) ![]() ""
Happy Birthday Mom!Today's my mum birthday. Went foodfair with her to stock up the refrigerator. I really dont know what to give her for her birthday present so i bought deep heat cream for her. Hahaha! Oh, i have something gross to share with all of you. I went library with Pang Yuwei(PYW) yesterday, dont ask me why. Okay so we were walking and talking and suddenly, something slimy, smelly, whitish and really gross liquid was being squirted on my right side from the hair to my shoulder. I was totally "ARGH!!!!!!!". I looked at PYW and she look and me. Then i turn behind and saw this want-to-be-western-but-cannot-make-it guy. Okay, so he apologise and i ask him what's that. He replied "oh ermm, i step on something and i guess it flew it onto you". So i was like "oh" and i look at the ground to look for that "something", nothing.(anyway, how could something on the ground actually be squirted so high?) I observed him and he had a syringe in his pocket. Wow... i touch the liquid, i tell you, i really hate that guy to the max x10000000! Its was sooooo sticky it clumps my hair together, YUCKS! Alright here comes the creepy part. Then later he took out his hanky and said " i wipe for you!". LIKE NO x10000000 !!!! I rejected his offer like the most immediate thing i did. Then PYW took me to the toilet in the library. My goodness, i really really hate him! Then i had this thought whereby my hair would drop of when the liquid touches it :( i was sooo frightened! But anyway, my hair didnt:D Alright, shall bid goodbye here :) ""
Melted heart.Ah. My leg is so painful when i woke up today and i thought it was just some tightness and some stretching would probably heal it. But No! It got more painful later on and throughout the whole training I tried supporting on my 100% completely fine leg. It's sort of better now, sort of at least. Holidays have officially started but i dont feel anything. Probably too much work to do, so poor thing. ya, i am trying to like comfort myself, at least i feel better. And i think my iq has got some really big problem because i cant count from 1 to 10 :( *Gasp, am i retarded? socks smelly socks super smelly socks some super smelly socks sold some super smelly socks sally sold some super smelly socks. so, sally sold some smelly socks. ""
Mickey mouse.:( I am escaping from the reality that there are tons of work to be done. Ah, anyway, i nearly died from hunger during training today! My stomach was grumbling as if it's churning on my skin. Alright, gross. Back to topic, i am listening to 987 once again and i wonder how 3H is surviving, How i wish i could be there too :( . Tomorrows a match against punggol. Wonder what happens. I want to sleep. Zzzz..... ![]() ""
Just one more step.No school for the rest of the week! :) I am listening to Muttons now. Which they just scolded "knn"(no offence) on radio. I think they are really hating a particular dj. But anyway, i was thinking of changing to XANGA. Because it has this super egoistic smilie, which suits me like a lot?! :) Me: "You know everyday i look into the mirror and i see this super beautiful, cute and pretty and nice and kind angel in it? OMY, i cant stand it too, i wonder why there such perfect person in this world?!" Noorul: " Is anyone standing beside you?" :( Some sad thing. I failed my english. And why cant we just go for OAC????!!!! I want to go so badly! Lastly, we got so many holiday homework. I was thinking of slacking this holidays and have some fun.... though. Hohoho, bye bye, hopefully i can go online tomorrow. ![]() ""
Ee se sang eui suh.Oh no, i am stuck with physics. Help, anyone? ""
Rain.1. I can feel my eyelids dropping, heavily and i am going to doze off soon. But i cannot, i still got tons of sheets to find. Darn. 2. I was on my 15min journey home just now and i merely drank 1/3 of my 600ml pepsi. And, i burp continuously for 8 times. So powerful.Can you believe it, if i were to drink the entire bottle i would have burp continously for 24 times. WOW. 3. I read "missing girl" again. I really love it :) 4. Cedar got talents today. 5. I am really excited about tomorrow. 6. Sheets, come'on let me find you! 7. I was on webcam with my bro just now and i got suan like shit. 8. Holidays are coming. 9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CENYUN! HOPE YOU REMAIN AS CUTE WITH YOUR SINGLE EYELIDS! ![]() ""
Sarangul Molra.It ended today and i busted it. My chinese teacher made me rewrite my ying4 yong4 wen2 and zuo4 wen2 :( Very tired already. Really feel like collasping, but i still have to think about the people around me. Once i fall, it will be a domino game. sorry. Dont Know Love - Lee Jun Ki |