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yours truly
XinYing15 2810 Cedargirls' |
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And again. And again, i am caught up with a flu just because i ran in the rain today. I wanted to bring an umbrella for once before i left house, but again, i forget. It's always this irritating. The rain was quite heavy actually. Imagine the fact that i am able to "squeeze" water out of my hair in this case. Oh, and the thunder is rumbling again and i feel scared:( The merlion got struck down, you know? Blah anyway, i am gonna continue with my bio while the thunder contuinues and later i am gonna watch "wo3 cai1" :D I think the host is damn funneh! ""
Here we go again. Everyone! I am soooo happy because it's weekend after a horrendous. stressful, disgusting, tired, terrible.... week. SUM UP: Negative: 1) This week is flooded with common tests and i basically have no life cos' i just go home and study all the while. 2) Classes were really boring except for math and chem( muahaha, not because of the teacher of course) 3) We lost to bukit panjang today. 4) There was a bee flying around earlier in the week. 5) Chem paper is like... forget it. POSITIVE:DDD ( i know you cant wait:D ) 1) Things were really funny but priyanka just forbids me to tell. I shall disclosed a little. An issue between a dodo bird which produces fishball, a parrot and a crow. 2) * Take shujing's waterbottle for the second time of the day Priyanka: Why do you keep drinking her water, dont you have it? Me: My house dont have clean water to drink. Shujing: HAHAHAHA (which i dont know why but she's mad) Priyanka: What? What kind of house do you live in with all those snakes is it? Me: Attap house. But anyway, priyanka really believed my house doesnt have clean water. 3) When Ms Chin gave out the new set of notes, she was shaking it to make us know how thick it is. And at that moment, our wonderful class cheer came " 1-2-1-2-3-4! * every shake their notes". The end. 4)hahahaha, it's funny. 5) Lee junki's getting cuter by day. 6) there's many more but i forgot. ![]() Nerdo. ""
哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出.Many many things: #I left my zuo wen stuff in school, and now i cant do my work, irritating man! #Bio seriously have a lot to memorize, just looking at it makes me tremble. #I am offcially playing the reserve. # Maths remedial is so.... urgh. # Once again, bio sucks. # i actually failed my compo, and from now on, i shall speak fluent chinese:D # There's many many common tests next week and i just got started. # Lee Jun Ki rocks:) # I want to say something but i cant... #TOMORROW'S FRIDAY:D ![]() ""
Garfieldddddddd...:D i read garfield. No training tomorrow:) There's chinese common test tomorrow:( Oh do you know i failed chinese? Damn sad luhs. 14/30 you know. My chinese deproved:((( Luckily i didnt go HCL. And i am friggin sad cos' there's so many tests coming up. And i dont have time to even start studying. Man, luckily Fiesta is over and i can skip Monitress council like who knows:D It's super boring. Well, i shall continue my garfield. Bye bye:D ![]() ""
Valentines special: Cedar Fiesta.My voice have officially gone hoarse from all those shoutings "Heart-shaped balloon for 2 dollars", and our 3H 1 and only poem: Roses are red Valentines arent blue So buy a balloon Cos' you know you want to. And then people keep staring at us. Oh, and the balloons and roses and everything were ultimate selleable. We earned a total of 2900 :D But seriously, i am dead beat. I didnt even get a chance to go to the haunted house or wolf ball or anything cos' it's really busy. I got a flower balloon :) And my husband Mr Seow never even bother to get me anything! Grrr. ![]() ""
I will come back, stronger than before.We lost to fairfield. And i am certain i will be even better the next time we play with them. I will make sure we win them, because i am xinying. I am not going to fall easily. It's weird when it's actually your fault and when you cry, people keep emphasizing "it's not your fault". I think it's damn funny, especially Joan ( muahahah.) It's even weirder when you were obviously red with tears and crying so horrendously and shih hui ask "are you okay?". The weirdest thing is... Lenis phoa. I was tearing so horribly at the back of the bus and trying to divert my attention to the television in front and Lenis Phoa, tries to wave and make funny faces at me which seriously is so obvious she wants my attention. I mean like for what? Hahahahah, Lenis Phoa, i am watching tv, attention seeker. I think they are kind of cute actually, trying to bring out the ironic-ness in them. Hoho. Cedar fiesta is coming, and i doubt it will be a success of 6000 arrivals. ""
Where love lies. Roses?Things are getting funny. And weird. It's weird when there wasnt even a single drop of feeling, am i dead? Open your mouth please. Dont get me into trouble. ""
It's so hard to say.Fiesta tickets anyone? Balloons? Roses? ""
How many?Woo, today's my brother's brithday. Went to Pariss international buffet for dinner. Ate oysters and stuffs :D I got super addicted to it cos' basically it's just ultra delicious :) Well Happy thing happen today. Priyanka was sooo funny:D I just kept laughing through the chemistry lesson. Boo. anyway, Bro: Hey there's needle there on the ground, dont step... Me( with the ultra super dramatic shock face): My! How could you think of assainating me?! So evil! Bro: *ignore Me: I know you have been jealous of my talents and how smart i am all the while but how could you do this?! Bro: No, i was jealous of your stupidity all the while. And why cant i get as stupid as you do or how the hell did you get so stupid. Bro: *Grrrr.... Blah. Sianz, i didnt do my homework today so i just plan to tell the teachers that i didnt do homework cos' my bro birthday:D Anyway competitions tomorrow. Stupid noorul! Noorul: Knock kncok! Me: Who's there? Noorul: Yah Me: yah who? Noorul: no, google! Me: ignore Noorul: what's wrong with you and your sense of humour?! Oh, my bro just wanted to take a photo of me with his new canon camera and put it on facebook. wow. Me: how many megapixel? Him: 10 Me: i thought 3.2 Him: *paused and laughed out loud, you think handphone meh? He told me to pose like i was studying, and i covered my face. ""
A promise that musnt be broken.Pig face. There's competition tomorrow. With beatty. My bro's leaving in a weeks time. I can only see him after 6 months. Yesterday i feel like smacking people's face throughout the whole tution session. The atmosphere was super cold..... you should get what i mean. It was soooo LOL. Blah anyway, i am so very very tired and feel like sleeping right now. TO: Lenis- I am the normal one, and you are the abnormal one. Chiyan - I dont eat fish RAW! ![]() |