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yours truly
XinYing15 2810 Cedargirls' |
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Next time, it wont be just punching my fist onto the ground. I flunked my essay writing cos i dont even know a sod of what i am trying to write. The topic came out and i stunned there like for 10 minutes? Nearly died of heartattack. Training was damn tiring as usual, and i feel like flopping onto my bed and sleep Zzzz..... :( but there's lots of homework and i will be out for the whole of weekend. I am happy: 1. Chemistry was joke lesson. (i got confidence in my future). 2. I got a new song to play :D 3. We officially got into semi finals. 4. there will be even more lame jokes tomorrow. 5. i am currently listening to my favourite songs. 6. Tomorrow is weekend. I am sad/disappointed/angry/mad: 1. I am sooo disappointed with my essay. 2. Basically everything you do, you think you were cool but actually you look like some fat cha siew pao on the street. 3. You are a fair-weather friend which really disappoint me greatly. 4. There's lots of homework. 5. Today's game just seriously sucked to the ultimate core and nothing can be done to mend it. 6. I cant decide on something. :( I need to rush my homework now. By the way, if you know what the title of this entry means, then you are that superb asshole. ""
It's new year, and oranges are the sweetest.HoHo! Ang baos!!!! :) Eat eat and eat. Oh something interesting to share :D Today morning my mum place the salmon fish on the counter to defroze. After a "decade" she went back for her fish and then it disappear. And she thought i ate it raw.... Which obviously i did not?! After a long long----- search we found it lying in my garden (carpark) . And the sliced fish were scattered over which prove that that cat stole our fish! Grrrr.... It came into my house for the fish. Roar! I gave my cousin english oral tuition. Man! I am a qualified teacher okay? Ohoh, after that went QuakGuting's house. Invited me there and yet we did nothing. Tsk, and here i am now..... My dog's gone fatter. There's TA soon :( dont feel like sleeping tonight :D Shall go online:D Happy new year by the way. Hope you guys get angpaos and more angpaos! ![]() ""
You are not the only hero in this story.Next friday got TA. So, your chinese new year is spend on homework and TA. What's this mans? Alright mans, Rebekah said she bought iljimae cds for 15.90. Woah! I just read my past year compo notebook and found this phrase "you are not the only hero in this story". It reminds me of my ex-teacher, it's true she's pro, if not my english today will still be like pirmary school standard. My new year resolution.... hmmmm, see Junki and pull of strand of hair for memorial? Nah, just kidding. I want my studies to improve and everything to go smoothly for me! :D One good news, i..... officially finished learning iljimae theme song on piano :D Say "wow!". Nah, dont wanna make you people spend time reading this craps, you guys should go for more ang paos. Bye. You never say goodbye. ""
I close the door.A big great wonderful news, my class 3H won the CNY deco awards! Thank you, thank you! Another great news, we got a long holiday:D And, i am about to master the skills of iljimae on piano :D, arent today a great day????! :D Blah Blah, first up, my school dont have half day today which sucks like to what core? And after that there's training which makes me like super duper tired. And here i am, no dinner. Oh, and, Amanda Tan Yi Wen, the super bad ah meng, sucks her finger. No photoes, dont worry, even if it's photo, it will be Jun Ki. ""
You are a mad cow.One very very very bad news! Iljimae ended last night. *Gasped :( The living room was flooded with torrents of tears. *Sob Sob. Because he nearly died. And he look terrible, sad, tragic and super poor thing :( Anyway, iljimae vcds are sold out too, tsk. I gonna miss that show, i mean him. I find lessons so fun especially when erhmmmmm. Confidential, not suitable for children. That crazy pok. Blah, had competitions with Bukit merah today. And nothing unusual just saw 4 of my friends. Oh volleyball is a hot pick for secondary schools cca. Wonder why. Ohohoh, I am getting so excited! because it's tomorrow! Tomorrow will be the day! :D And one more great news, we got into cedar got talent. Muahahaha, double happiness. Oh and a random thign suddenly comes to my mind, " Joan please beware of the platform gaps. And the undertakers are just so cool." :D Well well, i shall go and study now. I have got talents for being a nerd, wanna put me in cedar got talent? ![]() ""
DecisionsTo me, it's my life, and you will not take it away. I got a bruise on my knee :( I bought a watch. I did all my homework. I finally get to understand thigns that i dont understand. My dog is fat. ID. ""
Humans are so practical, that they forgot to keep comments to themselves.Happy birthday Li Yue:D but i doubt you read this. Well... Do not pin high hopes on yourselves, cos' they crash anytime. Well well well, i have decided that i am not going to participate in "cedar got talent", okay, i am so selfish to leave them alone but then again, i might pull them down, so yeah. Hey but i tried. Competitions on monday, mixed-feelings. AMK, i think they are quite good when they have the B's. Challenging:) :( No chomp chomp for dinner, oh wells. Ate Mac instead cos' daddy said he wants to watch the 7 oclock show and ask me to pack home instead, tsk! My BBQ chicken wing :( Alrights man, tonight got iljimae, can you believe it? He's so cool :), ahya whatever to those who think he's not. And the wind, it's blowing again. Right, i have homework and homework this weekend and shit, some stuffs on sunday too. ILJIMAE:D Hahhaa, i go do my homework so i can watch tonight. Whatever la, i dont care anymore, cos' i suck. ![]() ""
Let it go. I am in freakin' deep shit. Bio's powerpoint is taking up half the day's time. Man! I have so many things to do that maybe i shouldnt be here but then again, i need to relax mansss. So contradicting. Blah, as usual, homework sucks and i flunk my pop quiz because i just suck at maths. And as usual, monitress is never a fun thing. I swear i am going to get hunt down by Miss Poon tomorrow which is a terrible thing just because i hadnt handed in the fiesta form thing. I am sooooo dead. And that "cedar got talent" freaking thing is like occupying half my brain?? Now and competition is arriving and the first school we are competing with is amk. Not bad right? Sian. And there's also this class montarch thing which is like totally tsk la! And and and the CLASS NOTICEBOARD, it's BLANK! Like can you believe it? it's blank! Time, cant they just give us more time? Oh, one last thing, i am sooooooo stress. ![]() Let the picture relieve my stress :) ""
The aroma of otahs.Happy birthday lol-guy :)! Secondary 3 hectic and lifeless, i feel like a puppet. By the way i am in 3H, 3 heartrock. The class is getting warmer and chaotic day by day, which sounds good. Anyway, trip class is sooooo stress mans. Oh, and i think i sprain my wrist during training, minor. BRITISH COUNCIL TODAY!!!! Muahahaha, i think this year was different, much colder than before :( Our teacher's called Ian Cameron. He look like gangster, with his golden hair and a bit of moustache. I am Super Smart Xinying(inside joke). The textbook was 53 bucks can??? Like a little tiny winny textbook for 53 bucks la, what the hell. Oh oh, and the teacher wants us to sign a contract to agree that we will do our work. haha, he's weird. Hoho, then went isetan and bugis, alright mans, i bought a pair of shoe. I saw a freaking nice bag, can anyone buy for me? 32 bucks "only".... It resembles one that i saw from levis, which both are awesome! Anyone? OKay, ILJIMAE, it's seriously seriously x100 like damn freakin' cool!!!! Lee joon ki just suits that character so well that i think i am going crazy over him! Urgh! He's so cute and cool :D And he dances well too, if you had seen. Well, he rock! ![]() ""
Happy new year :DBbq party with 6E yesterday until 12 midnight for countedown. I have nothing to say cos' the food wasnt touched. Only me kathy and yueqing ate the hotdogs which were yummy when they were hot :D I, Tan Xin Ying has officially learnt to start a fire:) alright manz....! I felt so accomplish, alright cut the crap. There were many many otahs, chicken wings, marshmallows and things left, so me, yueqing and kathy brought them home, hohoho. I got the marshmallows! :D and every now and then i take the pack of marshmallow out from the fridge and eat, hahahahahahah, happiness! Anyway, we countdowned till midnight and then they were suppose to ton at my house, but i wasnt feeling well and was friggin' tired to they stayed at evan's house instead. Yet, i slept around 3am. Siao eh! they went prata house at 2a.m to eat prata? Crazy people. No photoes cos' you know what my phone's like? yeah, happy new year, and yeah! my long awaited school is starting tomorrow!!!!! :D ![]() |